
Current Open Positions

None at this time.

Local Employment Resources

  • Indeed Job Search-A free, comprehensive job search website.
  • Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Job and Career Education Center – The Job and Career Education Center’s resources currently include an extensive collection of circulating copies of popular and selected reference books, pamphlets, audiovisuals, electronic databases, software and periodicals dealing with: job search strategies; resume and letter writing; interviewing techniques; career choices; civil service and employment test preparation; academic test preparation; information on colleges, universities, career and vocational schools; financial aid; summer jobs; and local, national and international employment opportunities.
  • Team PA CareerLink – Team Pennsylvania CareerLink is a cooperative effort to provide one-stop delivery of career services to job seekers, employers and other Interested Individuals. The mission of the site is to function as a self-directed Job Search System providing quality customer service to the people of Pennsylvania enabling all customers to make informed choices.
  • Job Gateway -CWDS/Job Gateway links businesses and individuals to Pennsylvania’s workforce development and independent living services offered through these agencies: Department of Labor & Industry and the Department of Public Welfare
  • PA State Civil Service Commission– Looking for a government or civil service job? Check out this site.

National Employment Resources


  • America’s Job Bank – More than 100,000 job opportunities, primarily in the military and federal government.
  • MonsterTrak – Largest online job listing service in the United States.

All links verified 6/29/18